Normaly we only think about docker containers if we want to containerize something in linux. But there are more options lxd/lxc is one of those other solutions.
Where docker containers are mostly used to start one process, lxd containers are more like containerized...
These are project i want to do a little bit more with, about machine learning
I need somewhere a list to remember things that i want to learn more off, i have a bunch of lists, so now one more list.
I had a problem installing gitlab-ce a newer version, because it was a mayor update you first needed to install a older version.
Mermaid is a easy way to create easy graphics like flowcharts
For example
flowchart TD
start([Start]) -->
declare1(Declare variables a, b and c) -->
assign1[/Assign a, b and c/] -->
condition1{Is a>b?} -- False -->
condition1_false{Is c>b?} -- False -->
How to bridge a local mosquitto mqtt broker to a free hivemq cloud bridge
apt-get install mosquitto
To install the package
Change the mosquitto config file /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf
connection cloudmqtt
address .hive...
How to see caching stats etc.
show hitratio rate
Hitrate ratio: 10 100 1000 Hitrate avg: 0.3373 0.3012 0.3400
This Means the last 10 seconds we have a hitrate of 33.73% and the last 100 seconds only 30.12%...
I am trying to use tmux more than screen, but a cheat sheet could be usefull.
detach from window
ctrl-b d
list sessions
tmux ls
connect to session
tmux at -t
create session
tmux new -s "session_name" "co...
Once in a while i want to start a bash script and make sure it one at a time. So searching for solution for creating a lock file in bash, you want to have a solution that doesn't create a race condition.
Start defining which lockfile you want to use
Once in a while i need to debug a bash script that i wrote, but i need to search how to get the line number of debug to a file, so easier for me to put it in mij blog, maybe it will help somebody else also.
Enable debugging
set -x
Add line numbers